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docmd: do commands on selected files and/or directories

docmd and its GUI brother docmd-gui are tools (both written in the Idle Scripting Language) to search and process (possibly huge) trees of directories. They are rather small programs but they can do amazing things with your files and directories, either directly by executing commands you give them or by way of building complex batch files for you.

Following is the documentation for docmd (the GUI version works almost exactly like the console version does, so there's just a small appendix for the latter). There is also a zip file with the full source code, the compiled versions of both programs and the documentation available (the documentation on the website may be a bit more up-to date).

The current version of docmd is 1.6. It is freeware released under the MIT licence and comes as-is, without any warranties. If you happen to find a bug or if you'd like to suggest a new feature please drop me a note.

**WARNING:** docmd is a command line tool. Command lines can be difficult to write and even more difficult to debug; some people think command line tools originated in hell while others think they are cryptic beyond comprehension. If you are not comfortable with that sort of thing, the GUI version, docmd-gui, may well be better suited (the zip file contains both versions and the source code):


These two small programs (further on called docmd for short) are tools to search and process drives and directories. docmd can do almost anything to do with searching and manipulating files and directories. In a first step, it searches a given disk drive or a directory tree for files and/or directories satisfying certain conditions. These search conditions can be specified with an impressive granularity. In a second step docmd constructs commands for all files and directories it found and either executes them directly or prints them (this output can easily be redirected to a batch file which you can execute later, possibly after editing it).

However, with such power come two caveats: the more advanced features of docmd are not always terribly easy to use. And if used carelessly, docmd can do nasty things to your disk drives faster than you can exclaim 'Oh, shit!'

docmd is told how to proceed and what to do via a command line (eg it runs from a CMD.EXE or 4NT.EXE command prompt). docmd-gui, the GUI version of docmd, accepts the same set of command-line switches (with the exception of -EXEC); they will be used to initialise the relevant dialog fields. Of course you can just as well fire up the program, fill the various fields yourself and go ahead. The GUI version also has a set of help screens (see the Help menu)).

Here are the command line switches and arguments for docmd:

docmd @FILE -i -r -s -t -path=PATH -mode=df -cmd=CMD -cond=EXPR -EXEC pattern

Looks pretty simple, doesn't it? Well, here are the details.

Basic usage

docmd accepts one or more filenames or filename patterns (at least one pattern has to be given or the program won't work) and then searches a directory or a tree of directories, collecting matching files and/or directories along the way. It finally either prints all selected files and/or directories to standard output or executes a command for them.

First, the simple switches and arguments:

-i          inverts the result of the pattern matching (on a per-pattern basis)
-r          the given pattern(s) are regular expression(s); docmd understands all
            Perl-compatible REs and options
-s          recursively traverses the subdirectories of the starting directory
            (to set the starting directory see -path= further down)
-t          test mode for -cond= and -cmd= switches (see later); this simply prints
            the parsed strings and quits
-v          prints version information and quits
-l=X[;Y]    starts processing at directory level X and optionally stop at level Y
            (using -l= implies -s)
-mode=      globally determines whether docmd works with files (f), directories (d)
            or both (df, that's also the default)
pattern     one or more filename(s), wildcard pattern(s) or regular expression(s).
(or @LIST)  A wildcard pattern can contain more than one wildcard expression;
            these have to separated by a semicolon (ie "*.exe;*dll" will search for
            .exe and .dll files). Regex patterns are always interpreted as a single
            (If preceded by @ this can also be a file with a list of file and/or
            directory names to process.)

NOTE: the -l= switch is not supported in the GUI version of docmd.

A few examples should make these options a little clearer:

docmd *
docmd -s -mode=f win.ini
docmd -s -i -mode=f *.exe
docmd -s -r -mode=f "\.exe|dll$"
docmd -s -mode=f *.exe *.dll
docmd -s -mode=f *.exe;*.dll
docmd -s -r -mode=f "^[aeiou].*\.[a-z]{4,6}$"
docmd -mode=d *
docmd -s -r -mode=d "^.{15}$"
docmd -mode=d @files.lst

The other switches are described in the sections which follow. However, here is a general remark valid for all switches: if an argument for a switch contains spaces and/or other characters with special meaning to the command line or shell (like > or <), you have to put double quotes around the whole switch (simply quoting the argument may or may not work). So the following is correct:

docmd -s "-path=c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator" *.log

whereas this isn't:

docmd -s -path="c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator" *.log

The -path= switch

By default, docmd works with the current directory as its starting point. If you want to work with another path, you can use the -path= switch:

docmd -s -mode=f -path=c:\windows *.ini
docmd -s -mode=f -path=c:\ setup.*
docmd -s -path=\\?\c:\SomeVeryLongFilenames\InsideThisReallyFineDirectory *

If you are only interested in such files, docmd can certainly help you shortening the list:

docmd -s -path=\\?\c:\ "-cond=#file>256" *

The -path switch supports multiple path values: simply separate the path values to be searched by a semicolon.

docmd -s -path=c:\Win2k;c:\WinXP;d:\Windows *.exe

An additional thing to keep in mind is that searching for overly long filenames requires the path value (after the prefix \\?\) to be an absolute, not a relative path. This means the path given should start with something like X:\. Note that normal searches don't have this restriction.

Note: the -path= switch is ignored if the list of filenames to process is read from an @LIST file.

The -cond= switch

The patterns accepted by docmd (whether simple wildcards or the more complex but also more powerful regular expressions) are a flexible means to select files. However, sometimes files or directories have to be selected according to criteria above and beyond their names. For instance, you might want to produce a list of all files that changed today or those with length of zero bytes. Or a list of all files with the archive attribute set...

This can be accomplished with the -cond= switch. This switch accepts an expression which is evaluated for every file and directory that matches the given pattern(s). If the result of this evaluation is true the file is selected (and later printed or, if -EXEC is given, has a command executed on it).

docmd -s -mode=f -path=c:\ -cond=size==0 *
docmd -s -mode=d -path=c:\ -cond=date==today *
docmd -s -mode=f -path=c:\ "-cond=date==today and size==0" *.txt

The expression following -cond= is, in fact, a tiny script. As such it can be much more complex than those few examples show. The expression syntax understood by docmd includes the usual boolean operators 'and', 'or' and 'not', a roster of comparison operators (!=, ==, >, <, ...) as well as sub-expressions in parentheses and arithmetic and a few string operators.

Predefined variables and functions

This is a list of all predefined variables and functions you can use in -cond= expressions. These variables are initialised for every file and directory that is found by the pattern matching (or read from an @LIST):

level     current (sub-)directory level (1 is the start level); numerical
          (level is set to 0 for all entries read from an @LIST file)
file      complete matched name of the entry (file or directory); string
drive     drive part of the entry (including colon); string
path      path part; string
name      name part; string
ext       extension part (including dot); string
today     initialised with today's date (in the form YYYYMMDD); numerical
date      date stamp (YYYYMMDD) of last write; numerical
time      time stamp (HHMM) of last write; numerical, 24-hour HH
tims      time stamp (HHMMSS) of last write; numerical, 24-hour HH
adate     date stamp (YYYYMMDD) of last access; numerical
atime     time stamp (HHMM) of last access; numerical, 24-hour HH
atims     time stamp (HHMMSS) of last access; numerical, 24-hour HH
cdate     date stamp (YYYYMMDD) of creation; numerical
ctime     time stamp (HHMM) of creation; numerical, 24-hour HH
ctims     time stamp (HHMMSS) of creation; numerical, 24-hour HH
size      filesize (0 for directories); numerical
attr      the entry's attributes ('acvdehinorpzst'); string
A         true if the entry's archive bit is set; boolean
B         true if the entry is a binary file (not a text file); boolean
C         true if compressed bit is set; boolean
D         true if the entry is a directory; boolean
E         true if encrypted bit is set; boolean
H         true if hidden bit is set; boolean
I         true if the entry is content-indexed; boolean
R         true if read-only bit is set; boolean
P         true if the entry is a reparse point or a symlink; boolean
S         true if system bit is set; boolean
T         true if the entry is a text file (not a binary file); boolean
grep()    function to search a found file for a regular expression. It is
          called with two parameters: grep(regex,index), eg
          "grep('findthis',1024)". index is the optional start point
          in the file. (boolean)
ngrep()   function to search a found file for a regular expression. It is
          called with two parameters: ngrep(regex,index), eg
          "grep('findthis',1024)". index is the optional start point
          in the file. It returns the number of matches of regex in the
          file. (numerical)
match()   function to match a regular expression. It is called with two
          parameters: match(var,regex), eg "match(name,'\\.(exe|dll)$')"
range()   function to check a numerical range. It is called with three
          parameters: range(var,lo,hi), eg "range(size,1024,1024*10)"
          will select files between 1kb and 10kb in size. (boolean)
          (Ranges can also be expressed by the syntax "field in (lo,hi)";
          eg "size in (1024,1024*10)".)
rdate()   function to convert relative dates into date stamps: "rdate(0)"
          can be used for today's date, "rdate(-1)" for yesterday's etc.

Boolean variables

The boolean variables represent attributes of the file or directory currently under scrutiny. They can be combined with the usual boolean operators.

"-cond=A or (S and H)"

Numerical variables

Numerical variables can be used in numerical calculations and comparisons. For instance, size and date or time (stamps) can be compared to other numbers:


The date and time variables require a word of warning: they are constructed in such a way that numerical comparisons work correctly. However, adding or subtracting values won't necessarily produce a sensible result. This means that the following is generally not a brilliant idea:


All numerical variables can be used in range comparisons with the help of the range function:

-cond=not range(size,100,2000)
"-cond=range(cdate,20080201,20080229) and range(size,10*1024,99*1024)"

A shortcut for range() is the in operator:

"-cond=time in (1359,2200)"
"-cond=size in (100,2000)"
"-cond=not size in (100,2000)"
"-cond=date in (20070101,20071231)"

String variables

String variables can be compared with literal strings (literals have to be enclosed in '' quotes):


String variables can also be subjected to pattern matching operations via the match function. This function takes a variable as first and a regular expression as second parameter. match() returns true if the variable matches the pattern:

"-cond=D and match(path,'system\\$')"

A word of warning for strings as well: string comparisons are case-sensitive. Sometimes this is exactly what you want; often it is not. In this case simply convert the string value to lower or upper case and compare accordingly:


-cond= and @FILE

Expressions for -cond= can grow pretty complex and rather unwieldy. What's more, the need to escape all sorts of special characters on the command line means that the actual string can be difficult to debug. In this case, you can use a so-called @file for the -cond= switch: simply store the whole expression part of the switch in a file (say 'myexpr.txt'):

docmd -s -cond=@myexpr.txt *

Assuming that file myexpr.txt contains this line:

size in (1024*64,1024*1024) and A and H and S

... then the following command will recursively list all .exe files sized between 64KB and 1MB which have the archive, system and hidden attribute set:

docmd -s -cmd=@myexpr.txt *.exe

The -cmd= switch

Up till now docmd has simply listed the files and directories it has found. Nice... but it would be even nicer to be able to build whole commands. That's the job of the -cmd= switch. This switch introduces command templates.

docmd supports two different template styles: a simple and a complex style.

Simple templates

For simple templates, you just append the command template (possibly including a few replacement macros) to the -cmd= switch and docmd does the rest.

docmd -mode=f "-cmd=copy $(file) z:\backup\$(file)" *.exe

The following replacement macros are defined:

$(file)   is replaced with the complete matched filename
$(drive)  is replaced with the drive part (including colon)
$(path)   is replaced with the path part
$(name)   is replaced with the name part
$(ext)    is replaced with the extension part (including dot)
$'        is replaced with a " (this is gets around possible problems if the
          whole command string is enclosed in double quotes)

These macros are case-sensitive: $(PATH) won't work.

A second, similar example:

docmd -mode=f "-cmd=copy $(file) z:\$(name)-backup$(ext)" *.exe

A word of warning: command lines are notoriously fickle when it comes to escaping special characters. Depending on your specific command processor and settings you will have to escape different characters in different ways. Here is an example that doesn't work:

docmd "-cmd=copy $(file) z:\$(path)\backup\" *

Why? Well, the \ that terminates 'z:\$(path)\backup' is interpreted by the shell as an escape for the following double quote. Escape the escape and all should work:

docmd ":cmd=copy $(file) z:\$(path)\backup\\" *

A second warning: the -cmd= strings given so far work as expected for files/directory names without spaces in them. If you do expect spaces (or are generally careful) you should enclose the generated filenames in double quotes. Either you go through the just-mentioned escape rigmarole or you use the $' macro:

docmd -mode=f "-cmd=copy $'$(file)$' $'z:\backup\$(file)$'" *.exe

Complex templates

Complex templates are in fact tiny scripts. More precisely, they are expressions in Idle (that is the programming language in which docmd was implemented). I can't give a full explanation about the way Idle and its expressions work as that'd be a long manual in its own right (in fact, it is: see the Idle documentation). However, getting into the basics should cover most applications.

A complex template is an Idle expression (possible a very complicated one) prefixed by a '#' that produces a string. This string, in turn, is simply printed (or executed, if -EXEC is used). Within these limits, you can write whatever you want. Here is a complex template that mimics the simple template given above:

docmd -mode=f "-cmd=#'copy '..file..' z:\\backup\\'..file" *.exe

So far, all this looks not much more powerful than simple templates. But with all the facilities of Idle expressions at our fingertips, we can do some interesting things. Check this:

docmd -mode=f "-cmd=#'ren '..file..' reversed\\'..string.reverse(name..ext)" *.exe

Here is a list of the predefined variables:

level    current (sub-)directory level (1 is the start level); numerical
         (level is set to 0 for all entries read from an @LIST file)
file     complete matched name of the entry (file or directory); string
drive    drive part of the entry (including colon); string
path     path part; string
name     name part; string
ext      extension part (including dot); string
today    initialised with today's date (in the form YYYYMMDD); numerical
date     date stamp (YYYYMMDD) of last write; numerical
time     time stamp (HHMM) of last write; numerical, 24-hour HH
tims     time stamp (HHMMSS) of last write; numerical, 24-hour HH
adate    date stamp (YYYYMMDD) of last access; numerical
atime    time stamp (HHMM) of last access; numerical, 24-hour HH
atims    time stamp (HHMMSS) of last access; numerical, 24-hour HH
cdate    date stamp (YYYYMMDD) of creation; numerical
ctime    time stamp (HHMM) of creation; numerical, 24-hour HH
ctims    time stamp (HHMMSS) of creation; numerical, 24-hour HH
size     filesize (0 for directories); numerical
attr     the entry's attributes ('acvdehinorpzst'); string

And there are a great many standard Idle functions (like string.reverse()) that you can use in complex templates.

One more example. To recursively produce a daily zip file of the contents of the directories in c:\precious (say, as a backup), the following command could be used:

docmd -s -mode=d -path=c:\precious "-cmd=#'pkzip '..file..'\\''.zip '..file..'\\*'" *
pkzip c:\precious\crap\ c:\precious\crap\*
pkzip c:\precious\crap\crap1\ c:\precious\crap\crap1\*
pkzip c:\precious\crap\crap2\ c:\precious\crap\crap2\*
pkzip c:\precious\prec1\ c:\precious\prec1\*
pkzip c:\precious\veryprec\ c:\precious\veryprec\*

-cmd= and @FILE

Like the -cond= switch, -cmd= support @files. This allows you to store all sorts of complex commands in easily editable files. As with expressions, this also alleviates the need to escape special characters on the command line.

docmd -s -cmd=@mycommand.txt *

Assume that file mycommand.txt contains one line:

copy $(file) d:\test\

... then the following command will copy all .exe files found in the current directory to d:\test\:

docmd -mode=f -cmd=@mycommand.txt *.exe

-cmd= and -EXEC

The -EXEC switch (yep, must be given ALL CAPS) will execute a given command template (whether simple or complex) once for every file or directory found. If you try to use -EXEC without also giving a -cmd= switch docmd will complain.

NOTE: the -EXEC switch is only available in the console version of docmd, not in the GUI version (there you would press the EXECUTE! button to execute a command).

Given the capabilities of the -cmd= switch this allows you perform the most complex operations with a single, (relatively) simple command. However, if you use destructive commands unwisely this power may well come back to haunt you (believe me, I speak from experience).

You have been warned;-)

The -ext= switch

This switch is used to load plugin extensions. An extension is a code snippet (written in Idle) that introduces additional global functions or variables. These in turn can be used to extend the capabilities of the -cond= and/or -cmd= switches.

A plugin extension is an Idle source file which is loaded by specifying its filename with the -ext= switch (if the filename ends with .ext this can be omitted). Further extensions can be loaded with additional -ext= switches. The Idle source file has to be written in such a way that it is compatible with docmd; see the included example plugin extension (id3.ext) for details.

docmd -ext=id3 -s "-cond=ID3Artist:sub(3,3)=='d' and ID3Album:sub(8,8)=='g'" -path=d:\Music *.mp3


The GUI version of docmd works very similar to the command-line version. The main difference is one of convenience: you can easily fill in and edit all the required information in the various fields. docmd-gui also accepts parameters via the command line, almost like docmd does (the -EXEC and -v switches are not supported); the command-line values are used to initialise the relevant dialog fields.

Usage should be largely self-explaining as the dialog-box fields mostly mirror docmd's capabilities (see also docmd-gui's help screens in menu Help).

Once filled-in, the contents of all fields can be saved to a so-called session file; saved sessions files can also be loaded at a later time (see the File menu). The content of the log window, where the output goes, can be edited and saved as well.

Global @FILE loading and docmd.ini

Besides the @FILE parameter for the -cond= and -cmd= switches docmd and docmd-gui also support a global @FILE. Such a file may contain any and all supported switches, parameters and patterns, with exactly one switch, parameter or pattern per line. If used, this file should be the very first argument on the command line; its contents can be overridden by later command line arguments.

Assume the file myargs has the following content:



docmd @myargs *.txt
docmd @myargs -path=c:\windows\system32\ *.dll

Starting with version 1.3, docmd tries to read a text file (called docmd.ini) from the directory it was started from. Similar to a global @FILE, this file can include initial values for switches, parameters and patterns, again one per line. Lines beginning with a # character are comment lines. (You can create docmd.ini (or indeed any @FILE for docmd or docmd-gui) with the GUI version of docmd by filling-in all the required fields and saving this as a session file.)

Input and output

If the -EXEC switch is not used docmd simply writes its output to the standard output (normally the console). However, this can easily be redirected to a file with the usual output redirection syntax:

docmd *.txt >list_of_text_files.lst

docmd can also read a list of files to process, either from a file or from standard input. It is also quite feasible to create such list files with docmd itself, as docmd writes to the standard output.

docmd -cond=A @list_file.txt
docmd -cond=A @ <another_list_file.txt

It is possible to use the output of one docmd command as the input for another one by using the pipe syntax of the command processor:

docmd -s -mode=f *.txt | docmd "-cond=size>4096" @

This command line first collects all text files in the current directory and its subdirectories. It sends this list to the second docmd call which filters out all files larger than 4096 bytes. (Of course, this can be achieved with a single docmd call; however, for more complicated cases this chaining of calls can be quite useful.)

Note: if a list of files is given, the -path switch is ignored.

Exit code

docmd returns an exit code to the operating system. This is either the number of files processed (which is 0 or greater than 0) or -1 if one of the help screens was requested or if an error occurred.

$updated from: docmd.htxt Thu 27 Apr 2017 10:06:49 thomasl (By Thomas Lauer)$