Path: Welcome > Contact


You have a question? An observation to make? Or found an error?

Whatever it may be, if you want to get in touch do NOT use the simple form below as this is just a honeypot for spammers.

Instead please read the final paragraph and then send me an old-fashioned email!

Your comments (no HTML and no links, please. Such messages will be ignored):

Or send me an email

Of course, you can just as well send me an email. In case you have none of my private email addresses you should send the message to

Be forewarned though: this is one of my public addresses and as such receives its fair share of spam (in case you've never heard of spam in an email context: this is unsolicited mail, mostly with offers for *really* cheap mortgages or colourful ads for penis enlargements and Viagra (though I have to admit that I always found it not illogical that one needs the latter after having had some of the former: it's simple physics)).

Anyway, I don't care very much about spam as this type of mail is filtered and automatically sent to /dev/null. However, I've kept the filtering algorithm in my email software a deliberately dumb beast. To make sure a message makes it through my filters, please start the subject line with TL:: (that's a capital T and an L and then two colons) and all will be fine (most email programmes will do this automatically if you click on the link above). I will read all messages I receive but depending on time budget and travel circumstances it may take a while until I get in touch.

Anyone who wants to (re-)use material from these pages in a commercial environment should contact my agents: Peter and Paul Fritz.

$updated from: Contact.htxt Sun 20 May 2018 17:04:34 thomasl (By Thomas Lauer)$