Path: Travel > Travel > Destinations > Cyprus 2005 > Pafos Mosaics

Pafos Mosaics

In old Pafos (“old” means the lower part of town, near the harbour) there are the remains of several huge Roman villas. There's not much left standing but a huge collection of mosaics has been excavated during the last decades. They are partly in the open, with wind and sun slowly wearing them down, but even when there is a protective cover they are invariably dusty and dirty. In comparison to some of the eye-catching mosaics we saw in Turkey (during our spring trip) we were a little disappointed. Anyway, here are five of the better ones.

$updated from: Pafos Mosaics.htxt Thu 27 Apr 2017 10:06:49 thomasl (By Thomas Lauer)$