Antwerp: the Snijders and Rockox House
Frans Snijders (1579-1657) was an Antwerp draughtsman and painter whose speciality was painting still lifes and animals. He started as a pupil of Hendrick van Balen the Elder and Pieter Bruegel (the Younger), working closely with the latter's brother Jan Bruegel the Younger who became his mentor. He was well established in the Antwerp art scene, working with the likes of Cornelis de Vos (he married his sister Margaretha), Jacques Jordaens the Elder, Peter Paul Rubens and became quite successful, a well-known figure in Antwerp and also a sought-after painter in England. He bought his patrician house De Fortuyne in Keizerstraat aged 41 and became neighbour of his friend Nicolaas Rockox.
Nicolaas Rockox (1560-1640) lived next door to De Fortuyne in a house named Den Gulden Rinck. An affluent and respected character, he was engaged in Antwerp's politics and became mayor of the city. He was also a patron of the arts (he was a mecene for Pieter Paul Rubens), a prolific collector, humanist and philanthropist and his house was a centre for the local humanists and artists of the time.
The Snijders & Rockox Huis Museum is housed mostly in Rockox's Den Gulden Rinck and is home to his collection. The works of Snijders are displayed in part of the De Fortuyne house. Watch this video about the museum for a short introduction of what is on display. The museum is a shrine to Flemish art of the 16th/17th century and really worth seeing. Click here for practical information on opening hours and prices. You can also download a pdf guide describing most paintings and objects exhibited in the museum by following this link.
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