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trvl2.com is the travel website of Véronique and Thomas Lauer.

We're a UK-based French-German couple, slightly older than we'd like to be but still serviceable. These days we are spending a lot of time on the road … to do what we like most:

Go travelling!

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If you have read our page listing all countries we have visited so far, you'll have noted that we have seen 58 of 194 countries in the world. Still a way to go!

But we are not choosing our destinations with the aim of completing the list and we often keep returning to the same old countries, just because we love them and feel happy when we're there.

This is particularly the case for those four countries where we have lots of stories to tell and photos to share:

We have started a few pages for two European countries, mostly photos and a few infos (but not so exhaustive as for France and UK):

Pick your country on this globe photographed in the Vatican Museum. Pick your country on this globe photographed in the Vatican Museum.

And finally, you'll find reports or photos of the countries we visited during our long distance travels by clicking on the links below :

South-East Asia Cambodia Malaysia Myanmar Singapore Thailand
Indian Subcontinent India Nepal Sri Lanka
Middle East Cyprus Iran Lebanon Syria Turkey
Europe Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Gibraltar Hungary Romania
Africa Morocco

$ updated from: Welcome.htxt Mon 03 Mar 2025 16:11:16 trvl2 — Copyright © 2025 Vero and Thomas Lauer unless otherwise stated | All rights reserved $