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trvl2.com is the travel website of Véronique and Thomas Lauer.

We're a UK-based French-German couple, slightly older than we'd like to be but still serviceable. These days we are spending a lot of time on the road … to do what we like most:

Go travelling!

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Path: Vero and Thomas' Travels > Trips 2020-2029
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Trips 2020-2029


You can view a map of most our long distance trips in detail on the Travellers Point Website

Mural of Asterix and his friends rushing to fight the Romans (Brussels, Belgium). Mural of Asterix and his friends rushing to fight the Romans (Brussels, Belgium).

Go on to Trips 2010-2019 or go up to Trips

$updated from: Welcome.htxt Mon 04 Mar 2024 16:04:49 trvl2 (By Vero and Thomas Lauer)$