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trvl2.com is the travel website of Véronique and Thomas Lauer.

We're a UK-based French-German couple, slightly older than we'd like to be but still serviceable. These days we are spending a lot of time on the road … to do what we like most:

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Path: Vero and Thomas' Travels > Mixed Bag > Tom's Little PhotoShop > Street Art 1
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Street Art 1



This is made of two shots of the same iron sculpture, one shot forward against trees and the other backward against open sky and then juxtaposed. Richelieu, Loire, France.
"Street Art" is perhaps a stretch for this lovely shot. Tehran, Iran. Part of the "Berliner Mauer", now mostly removed. Berlin, Germany. Limoges, Limousin, France. Limoges, Limousin, France. Dormans, Champagne, France. Gerardmer, Vosges, France. King Henry deplores Roman smog and air quality. Rome, Italy. Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Ayuthaya, Thailand. Remembrance Poppies outside the Tower. London, UK. Trafalgar Square, London, UK. ET: Elephantastic Tinguely. Paris, France. Along Istiklal Avenue. Istanbul, Turkey. A bit further on, Istiklal Avenue. Istanbul, Turkey. Literally Street Art. Morlaix, Britanny, France. This is actually (part of) a poster for a local beauty parlour. Bagnères de Luchon, Hautes-Pyrénées, France. More than 2 2CV. La Baule, Britanny, France.

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