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trvl2.com is the travel website of Véronique and Thomas Lauer.

We're a UK-based French-German couple, slightly older than we'd like to be but still serviceable. These days we are spending a lot of time on the road … to do what we like most:

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Budget Travel



Why travel with a small budget?

This is the text of an email we sent back in April 2009 to our English-language travel mailing list. It deals, among other things, with the question why we actually prefer travelling on what some people would consider to be a pretty tight budget.

Dear all,

we have now put all the English and French emails from the 2008/09
Nepal/India trip on our website, as well as (o ()rather belatedly...) a page with the (few) emails we
sent re our stay in Berlin in early 2008:

And now for something completely different. Some of our readers have
been wondering why we would search for hours on end for a cheap budget
hotel (that was back in Vadodara, in Gujarat) if we could have secured
a room at a more expensive hotel within minutes. All the more so as
the price differential between budget (200-300 rupees, about £3 to £4)
and expensive (1500 rupees, roughly £20) is relatively small, at least
in British Pounds.

So what exactly is budget travelling? What does it mean to us and why
are we doing it that way?

Well, budget travelling has many facets, of which saving money is only
one. But let's start with that: if we go away for 160 days and we
spend 700 rupees per day, we look at a cost of 112,000 rupees. That's
about £1600 (excluding visas and flights) -- relatively easy to
finance even if we are only home half of the year. However, if we
spent 3500 rupees a day (that's about £50, not really a lot by British
standards) we will have to find £8000... quite a bit more!

But there's more to it than just the money. Budget travelling also
means you go on to travel, eat, sleep etc. as much as possible like
the locals do. At times this can be a bit rough and it sometimes takes
a certain willingness to accept (or overlook) some not overly
salubrious surroundings and circumstances.

(Then again, the fact that so many adults and kids in Western
societies are plagued by allergies of one kind or another may well be
connected to the observation that many people are becoming obsessed
with cleanliness and aseptic environments. Thomas' grandma used to say
that a bit of dirt has never hurt anyone and so far, she was

But back to living like the locals do. The fact is that travelling for
a few months very much like an Indian (or a Nepalese) would travel is
a real eye-opener. In fact, we would say that many of the encounters
we enjoyed over the years with locals (not just in India or Nepal but
also in Egypt or Iran or Vietnam) had never been possible if we had
travelled "in style".

For instance, in markets or bazaars we often have discussions with
local shoppers (or even sellers) about quality or price of local
produce and it's always funny to see how it amazes them that we
actually have an inkling about what we should pay for a kilo of
bananas, some bread or a bag of sweets. They know (and expect) that
many tourists tend to compare whatever they are charged for goods or a
service to what they would reasonably pay at home and consequently
have not the slightest idea about local price levels.

Tourists staying in a 200US$ hotel room (and ordering bland Western
food for hundreds of rupees) will have many Indians shake their heads
in disbelief, although this is still a relatively cheap rate: some
suites in Rajasthan's top notch hotels are a real bargain at 3,500US$
per night -- no kidding. We've talked to Indians who simply refused to
believe that anyone could have the sheer audacity to charge such a
crazy price -- and even more that anyone would actually pay it!

One of the most amazing aspects of all this is how quickly we get into
budget travelling mode. Once we hit the road, it takes us less than a
day to switch from sedentary sloth to roaming rover: just leaving home
and travelling to Heathrow airport normally does the trick --
everything falls away and we are on the road again (even if it's a
British road). And depending on how good we know the country we're
visiting, we'll need at most a few days to fully get the "budget bug"
into the system.

In the end, budget travelling is more a mindset for us than a
sustained attempt to save money. One of the things that make
travelling such a great experience is that the human body tends to get
over crappy experiences (and crappy bathrooms) quite quickly whereas
all the memories, good and bad, stay in one's mind forever. Perhaps
paradoxically, icky experiences often turn into dear memories.

(All travellers know that the actual act of travelling is just a minor
inconvenience sandwiched between weeks or months filled with the joys
of preparation (what the Germans call 'Vorfreude') and years of
basking in all the memories afterwards.)

So, in a sense, we do court all sorts of travelling experiences,
difficult and exhilarating alike. Sure, we're sometimes worse for wear
and occasionally it even hurts. But when all is said and done, it's
worth it. We all only live once, so we should go for it!

Well, that's it for the time being... whenever something interesting
happens, we'll post another message!

All the best and have a nice winter if you're in the southern
hemisphere and a nice summer everywhere else.

Thomas + Vero

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