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trvl2.com is the travel website of Véronique and Thomas Lauer.

We're a UK-based French-German couple, slightly older than we'd like to be but still serviceable. These days we are spending a lot of time on the road … to do what we like most:

Go travelling!

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Vero and Thomas' Travels



Hello and welcome!

This website is our on-going attempt at preserving and sharing our trips, all the wonderful impressions, the memorable moments and the odd opinionated observation, with friends, relatives or indeed anyone who is interested.

At the start of a new year, we like to reflect about the past one and 2024 has been indeed a busy year.

V+T partaking of the communal meal at the Gurdwara Bangla Sahib in New Delhi November 2023. V+T partaking of the communal meal at the Gurdwara Bangla Sahib in New Delhi November 2023. We spent January in India, the second half of a two-months trip nicknamed GapFiller 2023 which saw us making a big loop from Delhi to Mumbai. We visited some places which we had not seen on previous trips, either because we didn't have the time or because they simply did not fit into our itineraries back then; we covered a lot of ground making good use of Indian Rail. India is a captivating country, one of our favourites, and (as expected) we were not disappointed.

V+T in front of Everest, March 2010 V+T in front of Everest, March 2010March and April saw us in western France on the Atlantic Coast with many hikes along Britanny's coastal path. We also explored some new regions with the isle of Noirmoutier and the Gironde estuary.

Summer was quite special: we drove South to the Pyrenees at the end of August, where we did quite a bit of country hopping between northern Spain and France, mixing historic cities and great landscapes.

On our way back we stopped in Paris where we left our car at friends' and caught a plane to… Naples, fulfilling Vero's dream to see Pompeii. We spent the two first weeks of October in Italy with nine days in Naples and four in Sorrento. We splurged on Roman ruins and have fond memories of our hikes on the Sorrento Peninsula.

We brought back many impressions and photos from this summer trip, some are already on-line in our Spain and Italy pages.

Of course, in-between travels, we managed many short trips around our adopted home country, the United Kingdom and we made good use of our time at home to add many new photos pages about England on our site.

For each trip, we have blogs, emails written on the road and sections with photographs and further background information about the countries and regions we're currently visiting or have seen.

V+T wishing a Malay bride and groom all the best, Ipoh December 2011 V+T wishing a Malay bride and groom all the best, Ipoh December 2011The map on the right gives you a rough idea of our long distance travels, and yes, there is a pattern: we do like Asia! You can view the map below and individual maps of most our long distance trips in detail on the Travellers Point Website.

Thomas and Vero's travels, not including Thomas and Vero's travels, not including "home trips" in neighbouring Europe. And yes, we do like Asia (© MapTiler © OpenStreetMap contributors).

We have also created a new section called Mixed Bag where you'll find things we like or find interesting and want to share but which do not fit into any of the other sections of TRVL2.

A few general questions you might have are perchance answered on the FAQs page. There is also a page with links to some interesting sites which we ourselves visit every now and then. Last but not least, if you want to get in touch, see the Contact page. We read all mails we receive (though not necessarily in a very speedily manner) and we appreciate any kind of feedback; however, we're especially keen to hear from you if you spot an error or an omission or if you have a suggestion.

A few notable things: every page has Path and Tags information at the very top. The Path link brings up a map of the section you're currently browsing; it is followed by the trail of pages that led to the current page. The Tags link opens a page with all defined tags, whereas the tag links themselves show an index page for that tag. Below these links is the main menu: its top level should work with all browsers but the submenus do require Javascript to be enabled in your browser.

Our multimedia stuff (ie slideshows, photo galleries, videos and podcasts) as well as the dropdown menus use HTML5 and Javascript. If you don't see what you think you should see please check whether you have a modern browser and make sure Javascript is enabled in your browser. If you have security concerns re Javascript, our use of Javascript is safe… but of course that's also what the baddies will tell you:-).

Also, we recommend using a decent web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Vivaldi for best viewing and do take our advice: keep off Microsoft Edge.

All texts, photos and videos on this website are copyrighted. Anyone who wants to (re-)use material from these pages should contact us beforehand. All media are also available in higher resolution, please contact us if required.

Have fun!

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$ updated from: Welcome.htxt Mon 03 Mar 2025 16:11:16 trvl2 — Copyright © 2025 Vero and Thomas Lauer unless otherwise stated | All rights reserved $