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trvl2.com is the travel website of Véronique and Thomas Lauer.

We're a UK-based French-German couple, slightly older than we'd like to be but still serviceable. These days we are spending a lot of time on the road … to do what we like most:

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Small Worlds



I like surprising views and photographs, either because of the colours or the patterns or the perspective. Near shots (macros) of small or big things offer the viewer an unusual aspect of something they think they know well. The best macro shots combine colour, pattern and perspective in a display that can be so strange as to be unrecognisable.

The name's Flower, Cauli Flower.
Icy diamonds near Rabou-Rabou, Gap, France. Morning Glory, near Haputale, Sri Lanka. Garden of Sir Thomas Lipton's Tea Plantation, near Haputale, Sri Lanka. A botanical cannon, Dambulla, Sri Lanka. Fish Market, Negombo, Sri Lanka. Golden Temple, Amritsar, India. Detail of a bird, Golden Temple, Amritsar, India. Snail mail in the Pyrenees, France. Pulsatilla Montana waiting for the warmth, Pyrenees, France. Gentiana Verna, Pyrenees, France. Gentiana Kochiana, Pyrenees, France. Remains of a dandelion, Cevennes, France. A black-veined white butterfly, Saint Paul de Fenouillet, France. Dianthus Carthusianorum, near Saint Paul de Fenouillet, France. A (microscopic) spider on Vero, Pyrenees, France. A toad waiting for his princess along the way to the Col de Puymorens, Pyrenees, France. Pulsatilla Alpina, étang de Pédourès, Pyrenees, France. A plant fit for survival on the plateau of the Causse Méjean, Cevennes, France. Vegetal lace, winter is coming. Queen, on a Canadian 5-cent coin. Early morning rose, in our garden. Spider, shot through the pane of my study's window. Busy bee before yellow-red drapery, The Vyne, Hampshire, England. Hibiscus in the Chellah Roman ruins and gardens, Rabat, Morocco.

Go back to Windowshopping in France or go on to Butterflies of Blenheim Palace or go up to Tom's Little PhotoShop

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