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TISL 2006

Our second trip to the Middle East with Iran as a definitive highlight.

We were gone for four months and started in Istanbul from where we crossed the Anatolian plateau to reach the Iranian border.

After 5 weeks in Iran, we crossed to eastern Turkey and then Syria, visiting Lebanon on the way.

We returned to Turkey to make our way back to Istanbul with a detour to Cappadocia.

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Path: Photos > Turkey: more Landscapes of Cappadocia
Tags: MiddleEast  2006  Turkey

Turkey: more Landscapes of Cappadocia



After so much church interior, the following pictures return to the landscapes of Cappadocia.

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There are dozens of small valleys like this, all very similar and yet all distinct if one knows them a bit better.

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One of the most famous landmarks in the region: the stone seal.

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This huge complex used to be a whole monastery, hewn into the rock. Not much is left standing these days but it's still a wonderful place to explore. Watch Vero as she climbs up a ladder to enter a chapel.

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This picture epitomises the landscape better than any words could.

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Want to see more? Go back to Turkey: Churches of Cappadocia or go on to Istanbul or go up to Photos.

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