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Robust 2019

A six-week-trip with a few days in Budapest followed by four weeks in Romania and ten days in Bulgaria.

We learnt a lot about the history and culture of this part of Europe. Wonderful monasteries, Saxon villages, Roman ruins, three capital cities and pleasant towns, all this and much more contributed to make this trip a great experience.

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Path: Photos > Painted Churches of Bucovina
Tags: Robust  2019  Romania

Painted Churches of Bucovina



The Humor Monastery was built between 1530 and 1535 under the rule of Prince Petru Rares and was founded by his adviser, the chancellor Toader Bubuiog who is buried here with his wife Anastasia. This church was the first to boast an open porch and is dedicated to the Assumption of the Holy Virgin.
Humor - The exterior frescoes were painted by Toma of Suceava in 1535. The dominant colour of the background is red, although there are also many greens and blues to be seen. Humor - Mural depicting the Last Judgement over the entrance to the church. Check this web page for an explanation of the symbolism of this painting. Humor - Detail of the Last Judgement mural. In the middle is a throne with the Holy Spirit represented as a dove. Adam and Eve are kneeling on each side, waiting for judgement while Moses on the top right is leading people to the Judgement. Below the throne, God's hand is holding the Scale of Justice with a man's soul depicted as a child on trial. The man's deeds are weighed on the scales and the good deeds outweigh his sins, as we can see from the scale tipping to the side of Heaven. Note the devils clinging to the scale, hoping to tilt the balance in their favour. The Archangel Michael on the bottom right scares off the demons with a spear in his hand. Description taken from this  web page citing a text provided by the Romanian Ministry of Culture Humor - Detail of the Last Judgement mural. This part is dedicated to the Resurrection and is ordered around the three elements Air, Earth and Sea. The figure in the middle releases souls from Hell and gives them over to angels so that they may rise again. The animals pictured are to be understood as monsters frightening and tormenting the sinners. Humor - Fresco covering the ceiling of the porch. Humor - Detail of a fresco covering the ceiling of the porch. Humor - The iconostasis inside the church. The church in Voronet's monastery and its breathtaking exterior murals. On the right, The Tree of Jesse depicting the ancestry of Jesus. On the left, the Last Judgement. The Monastery was founded by Stephen the Great to fulfill a pledge to Daniil, a hermit who lived on this spot and who had advised him to expel the Turks from Wallachia after having prophesied his victory. The church is dedicated to Saint George. The exterior walls were painted in 1547 under the rule of Stefan's son Petru Rares. Voronet - Mural of the Tree of Jesse depicting the ancestry of Jesus. And the colour here is... Voronet blue, a true colour name. Voronet - Close-up of the Tree of Jesse showing the Nativity. Voronet - Vaulted ceiling of the church. Voronet - Frescoes inside Bucovina's churches show a multitude of vignettes each depicting the brutal death of one of the numerous saints of the orthodox church. Voronet - One of the many vignettes showing the brutal death of a saint. Voronet - the impressive fresco of the Last Judgement on the Western wall. In the top middle is Christ the Judge. A river of fire flows to the right swallowed by the monster Leviathan and guarded by Satan. On the right, you can see Peter leading the saved souls to Heaven, his hand holding the key. Voronet - Part of the Last Judgement showing the entry into Heaven. Voronet - Peter opening the door to Heaven. Voronet - Detail of the Last Judgement showing Turks lining up for judgement before being thrown into Hell. Voronet - Detail of the Last Judgement mural treating the theme of the Resurrection and very similar in style to the one in Humor (see picture 5). The figure in the middle releases souls from Hell and gives them over to angels for resurrection. The animals pictured are to be understood as monsters frightening and tormenting the sinners. Voronet - Detail of the Last Judgement. At the bottom of the River of Fire, on the side of Heaven. King David plays a Romanian cobza, or lute, by the head of a dying man whose soul is received into the hands of an angel. Suceviţa Monastery was built between 1581 and 1601 and its patron saint is the Resurrection of Jesus. Suceviţa - The famous fresco of the Ladder of Virtues, contrasting the order of the angels assisting the righteous climbing the ladder up to Heaven, while sinners are hurled down to Hell by demons. Suceviţa - Close-up of the Ladder of Virtues. Fresco on the exterior wall of Suceviţa church. Suceviţa - Interior frescoes. Suceviţa - Interior frescoes. Suceviţa - Interior frescoes. Suceviţa - Interior frescoes. Suceviţa - The Grim Reaper. Suceviţa - Interior fresco. Suceviţa - Interior fresco. Suceviţa - The Third Day of the Creation showing Jesus blessing the creation of the plants, trees and herbs  on earth with the Moon and the Sun looking down. Suceviţa - Interior fresco. Moldoviţa - an other monastery founded by Petru Rares in 1532. It is dedicated to the Annunciation. Moldoviţa - Exterior frescoes. Moldoviţa - Exterior fresco. Moldoviţa - The porch of the church. Moldoviţa - Votive painting featuring the founders of the monastery. Moldoviţa - The Virgin with Child praying and surrounded by vignettes depicting the martyrdom of orthodox saints. Moldoviţa - Slaughter scenes of orthodox saints. Moldoviţa - The death of the Virgin. Moldoviţa - Vaulted ceiling of the church. Moldoviţa - More slaughter scenes of orthodox saints. Moldoviţa - The dome of the church. Moldoviţa - Interior fresco. Moldoviţa - Detail of a fresco showing the division of Jesus' clothes.

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