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South India 2015

As we began to plan our fourth trip to the subcontinent, we decided it was time to explore South India…

From Mumbai to Chennai via the southern tip of India: we visited Goa, some sites of Karnataka we had not seen before, toured the Western Ghats, got bored in Kerala before getting our fill of temples in Tamil Nadu.

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The Western Ghats



The week we spent in the Western Ghats was definitely a highlight of our trip in South India. We visited Ooty, Kodaikanal and Munnar and have brought back great memories from there. The bus (or train) journeys up and down the Ghats were spectacular and worth the visit in their own rights.

On the way to Ooty, the first tea plantations appear along the road.
Ooty - St Stephen Church's old cemetery. Ooty - overgrown tombstones. Colourful houses on Ooty's hillsides. Ooty's main attraction, the toy train (see our separate Ooty Toy Train gallery for more). Leaving the plains, on the way to Kodaikanal. Kodaikanal, view from Coaker's Walk. Scenery around Kodaikanal from Coaker's Walk. Around midday latest, the clouds come up from the plains and start obstructing the views. Kodaikanal. La Salette Church, Kodaikanal. Kodaikanal, the forest on the walk down to Vattakanal. Kodaikanal, view from Dolphin's nose. Kodaikanal, Pillars Rock. Kodaikanal Town. On the way to Munnar. Tea plantations around Munnar. Spring in the hills, on the way to Munnar. More spring colours, Munnar. Walk through Munnar's tea plantations. Hiking in Munnar, view down the valley to the West. Tea plantations, what else? Lantana Camara, Verbenaceae family. Is it an Heliconia? We are not sure and welcome any suggestion. Spring in the hills, a festival of colours. Ipomoea Purpurea, also known as Common Morning Glory. Higher on the hills, cardamom replace the tea plantations. View through Cardamom carpeted hills, note the tea bushes in the valley below. Heliconia Rostrata.

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