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SEA 2014

South East Asia again!

We were there for 2 months, with Myanmar and Cambodia as our main destinations.

This was our first time in Myanmar where we spent 4 weeks and of course, being so near to Cambodia, we could not resist a visit to Angkor.

Read on to learn what we saw and experienced!

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Final Travel Budget



Once again we managed to bring some money back home and spent 26% less as was planned in our pre travel budget.

The first table below shows a detailed list by country and expenses of our final total budget, with a daily budget by country as information for those planning a trip in those regions (please note that the final figure under “Total” of £36/€42 includes the money spent in the UK for flights, transport to the airport, insurance and other minor stuff). The second table shows the planned total budget for comparison.

We have also a table showing the individual final in-country budgets excluding visas, transport to get there and UK expenses (Spring 2014)

Here is a short overview of how we fared on the road:

Burma: incredible 52% savings

Cambodia and Thailand: no surprise

UK: unexpected saving

That's it for SEA2014. For information, we have included some more charts below showing first the in-country budgets excluding visas, transport to get there and UK expenses and some pies showing the type of total expenses as percentage of the total value.

In-country budgets excluding visas, transport to get there and UK expenses (Spring 2014):

Final total budget structure (the second pie shows the Planned Budget):

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$ updated from: Blog.htxt Mon 03 Mar 2025 16:11:08 trvl2 — Copyright © 2025 Vero and Thomas Lauer unless otherwise stated | All rights reserved $