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Nepal 2010

We have to admit it: we're certified Nepal addicts, labouring under that affliction since our first visit, in 1994.

After our slightly disappointing outing in the autumn of 2008, we decided to visit the Khumbu region once more, in the spring of 2010.

You'll find loads of tales, photos and information about that three-month trip and Nepal in general here.

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The Doctor Lauer Diet



The Diet That Actually Works!

Walking for 50 days through one of the the most amazing landscapes in the world is great. Heaving one's body up and down and then up and down again is exhausting — the Nepalese are ruthless in their trail-building and often we've had to negotiate yet another long and tiring stretch of track without gaining any actual height though it went quite steeply up and then down again, and up and down, for hours on end. The intense cold and the altitude mean that the body is burning through the calories at a much higher rate than say on a warm and sunny beach, at sea level. And the food itself is not exactly a high-calorie diet: a lentil broth, potatoes, some veggies and rice, rice, rice (and then some). We eat a lot (Thomas is known among some Nepalese as the Western Dal Bhat Monster because he can eat as much, if not more, dal bhat as a Nepalese porter).

And yet, after two weeks or so, there's already a considerable loss of weight. We eat more and ever more, but at the end of seven weeks of trekking we will invariably have lost so much weight that the bones are dangerously sticking out (think Gandhi, that's no joke). We were always joking about a long trek in Nepal being the perfect diet — and that's how we came up with the idea of the Doctor Lauer Diet: come to Nepal on a trek with Doctor Lauer and so long as you stick with his orders and prescriptions, the good Doctor guarantees you will lose as much weight as you have ever wished (and then some: promised).

And if you need proof, here are photos of Vero and Thomas, one set taken before the 2010 trek and another shortly afterwards. They are conclusive evidence that the Doctor Lauer Diet does indeed work.

Admission for places is now open, just call '0800 LAUERDIET' and have your credit card details handy.

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