Stalking Jeanne
It is like a ritual: every time we visit a church in France, Vero will go and look whether there is inside a statue of Jeanne d'Arc, national hero and patron saint of France.
Jeanne is part of the French national heritage, every child in France learns about her feats of arm and how she saved France from the English, a great story… The younger the children, the more easy to impress and so it comes that we have a heroine hard to forget and nestled deep in the psyche of the French. But Jeanne is not always easy to find: she is mostly present in northern and central France. But very seldom, if present at all, in Brittany, the Alps or the South of France, all regions which were annexed to France quite late and have their own medieval history and saints.
This makes the hunt even more exciting!
Go on to Oides Hunting in Saint-Nazaire or go up to Other Things French
$ updated from: Other Things French.htxt Mon 03 Mar 2025 16:11:15 trvl2 — Copyright © 2025 Vero and Thomas Lauer unless otherwise stated | All rights reserved $