Wrest Park
Wrest Park house as it is today has been built between 1834 and 1839 by Thomas 2nd Earl de Grey (1781-1859). The de Grey family had been living on the estate for over 600 years but it was Thomas who decided to demolish the old medieval house and create a completely new one he designed himself following the style of an 18th-century French château and incorporating elements he had observed during his travels in France. Only the ground level of the house is open to visitors, the upper floor being rented to some companies. There is no furniture inside the rooms except in the library where books fill shelves encased into the wall but this makes the decor and grandness of the rooms the more impressive.
The gardens are very pleasant and combine formal displays with shadowy woodlands. A canal (the so-called Long Water) is a great feature offering a wide perspective from the house to the Archer pavilion.
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